In order to protect the children and families we provide care for and ourselves, we are keeping up to date with the latest government advice and ensuring that our hygiene and illness policies are strictly adhered to. We will help children to wash and dry their hands correctly and regularly talk to them about why it is important to prevent the spread of germs and infection. We display a hand washing poster in the children’s toilets.
Children will be helped to wash their hands on arrival to the setting, after using the toilet, playing outside or touching animals, and before eating any meals or snacks. Liquid soap and disposable paper towels are provided in the washroom to enable children, staff and visitors to wash and dry their hands properly. The waste bin is emptied daily.
Tissues are available throughout the setting, and we encourage children to use them to catch coughs and sneezes. We teach them the importance of putting dirty tissues in the bin to prevent the spread of germs.
Send a message with any questions about our nursery.